Biografy of Lázaro Ramos

Brazillian Black Lives
3 min readOct 30, 2020


This history is about Lázaro Ramos, a famous actor, presenter, voice actor, filmmaker and writer, who wrote a book called: “Na minha pele”

Birth and childhood;

Lázaro was born on November 1st , 1978 at Salvador, Bahia. Since his birth he lived in a lower middle class family, when He was a child, Lázaro want to be a doctor but when He was 10, started to study Drama at school and started to do little actions with an artistic name: Lula Somar. Which is a very smart choice, because for Lula, he chose his first letters from his first and second name (Luís plus Lázaro). For the second one he wrote Ramos to the contrary form, which means Somar. When he was 15 he got into a drama club in Salvador named: “Bando de Teatro Olodum”, that was directed by Marcio Meirelles and composed by black actors. When he wasn’t a famous person yet, he started to work as a lab technician to sustain his family; Because he is an only child and his mother desenvolved a degenerative disease, so he needs to help her, but unfortunately she passed away. As a child, he used to like books and always read Machado de Assis, José de Alencar, Raul Pompéia, etc. He also liked a lot of the biography for Nelson Mandela, because he has suffered racism and he sees Nelson Mandela like a very influential person for the community and for him too. He started to know about Zumbi dos Palmares when he was 17, because in the past people didn’t use to talk or study about that. Fortunately, this subject became in the Bazilian’s history now a days.

Historical and Cultural context and his influences in life;

He always have been suffered racism since he was born and it begins worse when he started to work with drama, because some people don’t accept that black people have the same rights as white ones. He even says that: “It is needed to discuss a country (Brazil) that still has to understand the importance of dialog. It can’t embrace the difference for difference, but fight for the acception, in a world that still have a lot of preconception.” At his book, he talks about the day that he decided to use dreadlocks and people really attacked him just because of his hair. Sometimes, he was attacked because he was responsible for the main role. Lázaro is a very influence people, because he is an example for the black community, he was strong and has fought a lot for his rights. It is very difficult for someone to be a famous person, even if you are white, but black ones have a lot of challenges. Lázaro is in this career to prove that white people have more privilege than black ones, but it is not impossible to be a famous black person. About his book, which is a very famous speech, he said: “My focus since the beginning is to talk about topics that I see as relevant about preconception, racism and identity them. I didn’t want to talk just with people who think like me.”

Now a days;

Today, Lázaro is 41 years old and has been married to Taís Araújo (a famous black woman actress) since 2011. He has two children (João Vicente and Maria Antônia) and Lázaro still works in the cinema. In 2002 he was indicated to Emmy for the best actor in the soap opera named “Cobras & Lagartos”. He will always be looked like an important black brazilian influencer penson and he will always fight for black people lifes.

Written by: Victória Ferro da Silveira

